
menthol cigarettes

I bought my first pack of cigarettes

I bought my first pack of cigarettes

| Justin Kershaw
My personal opinion is a big food companies are operating with the main goal of making money. The goal should be to make our communities and people stronger.
To create the best-tasting, healthiest bar on the planet

To create the best-tasting, healthiest bar on the planet

| Justin Kershaw
I did my own research and experimentation, also learning that micro nutrient deficiencies are depleting our bodies the optimal hormonal response. Also, I liked the taste of RXbar, but I didn’t love it! RXbar was simply the only option. I knew that we could do better.
Why We Smoke Menthol Cigarettes

Why We Smoke Menthol Cigarettes

| Justin Kershaw
African-American communities smoke menthol cigarettes because they were told to through media manipulation. There was a mass push in the 80s by the clever marketing firms of tobacco companies to make smoking menthols look cool.